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Events on AM technologies and training

AMable supports solutions for getting products done with Additive Manufacturing. Please find a list of events on actual topics below.

AMable Community Event | Meetup (weekly, online)

There is a weekly meeting in the AMable Community where you can discuss or listen to discussions about current topics. Check out, no need to register.

Join on Tuesday at 0900 CET

AMable ITT Event | Data management in Powder Bed Fusion (AMable Community Event, Online)

During this online event, we will look into the current state of art on data management in powder bed fusion. Some standards have been published recently and some are coming up. And there are practical rules that industry is following now. So - if you are in powder bed fusion, then join this meeting. Registration is free.

Register now!

CDFAM computational design event (New York, USA)

Upcoming AM event in New York. What they are saying:

The NYC 2024 event includes presentations by over 30 leading experts in computational design at all scales and disciplines, including engineers and architects from NASA, Nervous System, Ocado, Sandia National Labs, IDEO, Ramboll, Glidewell, HP, Stantec and Siemens Energy, academics from around the world including The University of Edinburgh, ASU and Penn State as well as software developers and researchers from Autodesk, Altair, Materialise, nTop, Pasteur Labs, Intact Solutions and more.

October 2-3, 2024

Link to the event page